Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Malaysian Weekend

I had a very good weekend although as always, I wished weekends were a day longer. In the midst of all the politicised racial issues in the country, the past weekend made me proud to be a malaysian.

On Friday night, I met up with Fahmy, Yasser, Saiful and Yam Meng at the Curve over drinks after 12 years since we last parted ways after Std 6. We had so much fun just by catching up on old times and I have no doubts at all, the malay friends I made in primary school are friends for life. There would have been a better attendance if not for the different places we are all spread about. probably something for the future but i thought it was really cool. how often do we see ppl of all races hanging out with fun?

Also over the weekend I watched the badminton Malaysian Open with my dad and Jiin. The Malaysian players were Chinese and the supporters were all races you can find in Malaysia (very few Indians though surprisingly). There was never a glimpse of what you would have heard from the media reporting on the racial issues in the country as I saw everyone out there so supportively cheering for the Malaysian players.

Whilst I am saddened by how the Allah issue was played out of proportion by certain parties, the past weekend showed me that on the grounds, we are indeed all Malaysians, unbinded by the colour of our skin. Well at least, I believe the majority are.

While we are this, let's talk about politics. I am not really a fan of the opposition but I always believe in balance of power. I wish we could change the government and whole cabinet including the PM every 5 years but we all know that is very unlikely to happen unless everyone put his/her electoral votes to good effect. Recently I have come to a point of being disgusted by the government and seriously pondering on migration. The only thing that is holding me back is the wonderful Malaysian lifestyle I have here. Having travelled to a few countries, I still love our lifestyle the best. I have a car that brings me places, I get to have supper anytime I want, get to savour good variety of food and the list goes on. What motivates me though is the strong currency in the other countries!

Eventhough I am a Malaysian Chinese, I am still malaysian and I wish the racial cards were not played out by the irresponsible parties. Recent happenings seem to suggest that I as a malaysian chinese need to be very afraid as a May 13 may happen again. It really saddens me that this would and have to be a factor in my migration decision. Whatever it may be, I will be sure to vote for a new government come the next election. If you know the current one sucks, why not give the other a chance although they have every possibility of being a flunk too, but at least we would have tried and done ourselves justice. Anyway, irregardless of who you vote for, be sure to exercise your rights!

By the way, I'm very proud that I'm a non-racist Malaysian!

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