Wednesday, March 25, 2009


How much I hate extremists really! I just couldn't help being so disappointed with these people in the country. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with teaching Math and Science in English?! And no, I don't think this is a racial issue, we have all kinds of extremists i.e. Dong Ziao or whatever shit name they call it, the rural people bla bla

Fine, you may argue that the underlying issue is that our teachers themselves are not prepared to teach in English because most of them can't speak proper English. Fair enough the blame is on the government for rushing things into implementation without considering the consequences, but how can one argue that it's a wrong cause?! It's not about forgetting your roots (as they say) nor is it about being patriotic! How does learning the global language hurt you, tell me?!

I for one, wish I learned Mandarin and I would really, if my job requires me to. It is simply about adapting to global evolutions! If you're stuck in a foreign land, say France for a year, could you survive a year without learning French, not even the slightest bit? Does that make you less patriotic because you learned an additional language? damn, really can't comprehend what these people are thinking!

Tough language they say? To me, it's all about the attitude. We learned Malay and English and some, Mandarin from standard 1. I don't recall any of us having any problems back then, how is it different this time? It's really all about instilling the attitude from day 1.

I could totally understand if they were protesting the implementation approach, but no, they were protesting the cause! It hurts thinking about when the country will ever progress if a simple decision like this gets protested on the streets... sigh bolehland

1 comment:

Brian Barker said...

Apparently President Barack Obama wants everyone to learn a foreign language.

The British learn French, the Australians study Japanese and the Americans prefer Spanish. Yet this leaves Mandarin Chinese and Arabic out of the equation.

I think we need to move forward and teach a common neutral non-national language, in all countries, in all schools, worldwide!

I would prefer Esperanto.

Can ask you to look at and see a glimpse of Esperanto at ?